

Awesome & Awkward Friday

Today I'm linking up with Ashlee at Life's Little Lovelies and Lauren at My Grey Desk, so check them out! This week was full or more awesome and awkward moments than the usual. Well, maybe more awkward. To be completly honest, this week mostly sucked. It was full of dissapointment and crying.


  • BriBri was showing me video of him at the gun range and talking about the recent Zombie incidents. My survival plan? Re-read The Zombie Survival Guide, take archery lessons, watch Resident Evil & Zombieland. Then I asked him if he thought it was better to fight a losing battle against the zombies or just let them turn you, and what does it feel like to become a zombie? He looked at me like I was crazy. But seriously, my chances of survival would be slim, so I wanted to know what to expect out of my Zombie transformation. What is your plan when the Zombie Apocalypse comes?
  • QLF finally got a stair steppers! My back is out of wack this week so we had a cardio fest instead of going to bodypump! After cardio Steven met me & Jess at Russo's for some delicious pizza. Then I invited myself over to catch up on the last two epps of 'Girls.' Thanks for letting me use your HBO! Are you watching 'Girls'? Who is your fave character? (mine is Shoshana and Adam) And who would you like to slap in the face every epp? (Totes Hannah).
  • Taco Wednesday with Jess and Steven. After workout Jess invited me over for dinner. I think  she was trying to fill my broken heart with tacos and it was a valiant effort. I love tacos! and Steven even put on an old epp of True Blood. They did offer a mostly good distraction and made me slightly less pissed off, even if only for a little while.
  •  I get to live the housewife dream for 2 days! I'm being my own housewife which is not exactly what I'm aiming for, but hey, beggars can't be choosers.
  • My back has been jacked up since Sunday so I've had to miss both pole classes and bodypump. BUT I am able to do some cardio at the gym, but no running. Anyway, on Wednesday Chris told  me & Jess that he's missed us in Pump because the front row is so lonely. This is awesome because after 10 months the other gym goers have finally realized that the front row is our spot. Respect! haha. 
  • This song (not the video).


  • You had a concert ticket, sold it to your roommate because you bought a plane ticket, shit happened so now you are having to by that ticket again.
  • You check in for a flight that you are 90% sure you aren't going to be boarding.
  • Instead of spending your PTO in New York as previously planned, you are sitting on a couch with Jess. Honestly, not a bad situation because I love her, just not quite what I had in mind.
  • When you lose your filter and say less than kind things about your friends best friend. At that point, it's time to call it a day.
  • You don't buy a Justin Bieber concert ticket because you decided it's redic to spend close to $200 on that.
  • You realize that you just threw money away on a flight, so maybe it wouldn't have been so redic to spend that much on the concert after all. 
  • When you realize that maybe the problem is that you just expect too much out of people. Who knew honestly, full disclosure, and call backs were so hard to come by?
  • I feel like this happened to me:

Dramatic? Yes, but that's how I feel. At least I have O-, so I hope it was tasty.

Tell me some awkward and awesome things about your maybe I'll feel better about the crap parts of mine! 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous26.12.12

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